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2008 Vintage

A fine, very pleasing vintage.

Winter 2007/2008 was particularly dry and mild, and water reserves were not built back up in the soils. Then came May, with heavy rainfall and high humidity, which led to considerable concerns about the health of the grapes.

The summer was then fairly cool overall, with little rain but above-average humidity levels. Weather conditions during the ripening period were exceptional in terms of temperature differences and particularly the cold nights (record-breaking night-time temperatures equivalent to those for a month of November). This was of considerable interest as we know that these parameters have a significant influence on aromatic expression in the grapes and on anthocyanin synthesis (colour).

Although it was harvested a little late (by ten days) and was a bit difficult from a phytosanitary point of view, the vintage has turned out to be a very good one. Weather conditions during the ripening period (August, September) brought the grapes up to normal size with good phenolic maturity, strong colour and, above all, a lovely aromatic expression.

Early tastings have clearly confirmed the quality of the 2008 vintage in terms of balance, tannin quality and, in particular, aromatic expression, which is already very pleasing during the first few months of maturing.

Saint-Chinian, le 3 février 2009


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